When it comes to cosmetically restoring the look of your teeth, it’s hard not to sing Bioclear’s praises.
Proactive. Comprehensive. Science-based. Healthful.
At Oceana Dental, we offer family dental care, dental surgery, and cosmetic dentistry. We also offer you natural dentistry alternatives to help you enjoy more wide-ranging benefits from your oral health care experience. Our proactive approach also provides incredible value by helping you avoid dental issues that can be expensive to treat.
At Oceana Dental, our mission is to help you find your best health.
We ask all of our new patients to complete our medical, dental and sleep history forms at least 48 hours prior to your first appointment. This gives Dr. Gaudet the information she needs to understand your medical history, dental history and health concerns.
Once you arrive at the clinic, we may recommend taking digital radiographic images as well as a plaque sample for bacteria analysis. Additionally, if there are concerns about allergies and reaction to materials (AKA biocompatibility), we may recommend sensitivity testing with Biocomp labs.
Oceana believes that the “drill and fill” approach to dentistry isn’t the best way to achieve the best possible dental and whole body health. While these treatments are sometimes necessary, we try to help you avoid them through science-based, proven treatments that help prevent cavities, gum disease, and other problems before they happen.
Talk to us to find out what we can do for you!
Dr. Gaudet is currently in the process of moving Oceana to a new location. In the interim, she is working with the Blusky Dental team - Capital Location (3-3320 McCarthy Rd). Please call us at 613-526-9876 or email to book an appointment. We look forward to speaking with you!