Itero scanners: the dental tool that’s changing the game

At Oceana, we like to keep up with the latest developments in dental care technology, to ensure that our patients have only the best options to choose from. One recent addition to our clinic has been the iTero Scanner. This tool is changing the dental game and we’re so excited to introduce it to you!

What is an iTero Scanner?

There are many scenarios in dentistry where obtaining an accurate model of a patient’s teeth is important, including orthodontics, fitting for a night guard and diagnosing bite issues. The iTero Scanner is a powerful diagnostic and treatment-planning tool that helps get the job done. Before this new technology, the best way to get this kind of information was by taking a dental impression. Although dental impressions work well enough, they aren’t 100% accurate and the process isn’t too pleasant either. The gooey material can be off-putting for some and patients with a strong gag reflex may not be able to tolerate it at all. iTero promises near-instant results, right in the office, with a 3D model of your teeth and gums right on the iTero device. The noninvasive wand is simple for your dentist to operate and easy on your mouth. Plus, the ability to see the results of your scan on the device’s high-definition screen isn’t a bad touch either!

What Does an iTero Scanner Do?

This device works by scanning the patient’s mouth to create 3D dental images in minutes. Using the wand, a dentist will move this around the patient’s mouth which will capture thousands of frames per second that are pieced together to create a 3D visualization of the entire area. The wands are small, allowing them to scan molars in the back of the mouth that are traditionally difficult to reach. These scanners also have screens to display digital dental images as they’re captured in real-time. The screens show whether the scan is good or not before it’s saved and sent off to a lab, which is a huge time saver for both the dental professionals and the patients.

Making Invisalign Orthodontics Easier

iTero doesn’t stop with scanning and modeling. It is also integrated with Invisalign, one of the most popular teeth-straightening aids. With a quick scan using iTero, we can calculate exactly what size and shape of Invisalign products you will need to achieve your perfect smile. No waiting on lab results from somewhere else or trusting someone’s calculations. iTero will, almost instantly, take care of it all. 

See the Future

What if we told you that with the use of iTero, you’ll be able to see the future? As mentioned previously, our iTero device is integrated with Invisalign technology. One of the biggest drawbacks to Invisalign has been that patients aren’t completely convinced the outcome will be worth the investment. With iTero, patients can get a realistic rendering of what their teeth will look like now compared to what they will look like after their treatment. In just five minutes, you’ll be able to see your future smile!

Try it Out

Does iTero sound like the perfect fit for you and your dental care plan? Have more questions for us? Schedule a visit today and let’s chat!

About The Author

Dr. Jacqueline Gaudet
Chief Dental Officer - ASAP pathway comprehensive provider

Dr. Gaudet graduated as a doctor of medicine in dentistry (DMD) from the University of Montréal in 1998. Since then, she has spent thousands of hours on advanced training throughout Canada and around the world. With experience, she has found that the “drill and fill” approach to dentistry does not make for long term success in dental and overall health. Her research and education has inspired her to take a global health approach to dental care using an evidence-based system to address the whole body. “Many dental and oral health issues relate to lifestyle habits and/or underlying health issues,” she says. “The goal of Oceana Dental’s comprehensive new patient examination is to find the root cause of disease in the oral cavity so it doesn’t progress and cause more harm to the patient’s overall health.” Commenting on the pace of technological improvement and the advances in research, she says, “it’s a great time to be a dentist!”

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